As a part of their learning activity, the first-year BSc Nursing students of MCON presented a role play on the verbal therapeutic techniques of communication. The batch of 103 students were divided into 6 groups. Each group played their parts with enthusiasm. The group ? headed by Mr. Tsholofelo July Baloyi, in their play, demonstrated the ‘use of open ended questions’. The group II enacted the technique of ‘reflecting and restating’. The performance of both the groups were outstanding with Ms. Reanetse Mtolo’s foremost role. The group III exhibited an overwhelming act by incorporating creativity, music and necessary articles in their skit and they emphasized on ‘focusing’. The essential vocal sound effects were given by Mr. Mojalefa Kleinbooi. The use of ‘summarizing’ was well demonstrated by the group IV led by Ms. Racheal Nikita Cuthinha. The group V was well organized and they highlighted the use of ‘offering information’ in verbal communication as a therapeutic technique. Mr. Simson D’Souza led the group VI in conveying the technique of ‘clarifying’. Ms. Roseminu Varghese, Faculty, MCON, 必威体育betway888 concluded the role play by making the students understand the practical aspects of verbal therapeutic techniques and its implementation in the clinical settings.?