Report on Radio talk
As part of the World diabetes day 2020, the department of Medical-Surgical Nursing, 必威体育betway888 College of Nursing, MAHE, 必威体育betway888 conducted a radio talk in terms of role play with a view to sensitize the public about the significance of theme “Diabetes: Nurses Make the Difference”. Mrs Shalini G Nayak, Assistant Professor MCON coordinated the program along with Dr Latha T Bhat, Assistant Professor-senior scale, and Mrs Janet Alva, Assistant Professor-senior scale MCON 必威体育betway888. The areas highlighted in the play was diabetic foot care. Importance of foot care among diabetes patient and strategies of diabetic foot care were emphasized. The talk was broadcasted in Radio 必威体育betway888 90.4 MHz on 20.11.2020 at 5.00 pm and rebroadcasted on 21.11.2020 at 12.30 noon.