Dawai Bhi Kadai Bhi- Prevent the spread of COVID-19

University Grants Commission has issued an advisory in tackling the COVID-19 Pandemic, dated 9th April 2021; as it is the cause of great worry that the cases are rising upward throughout the country. To address the emerging crisis of COVID-19, it has been decided to focus on the fivefold strategy to deal with the situation viz. Testing, Tracing, Treatment, COVID appropriate behaviours and Vaccination. In this regard, 必威体育betway888 College of Nursing, requests all faculty, students and staff to follow and spread the awareness about COVID appropriate behaviour by following the strategies of:

1. Always cover your mouth with a mask.

2. Wash hands frequently and thoroughly with soap & water or use alcohol-based hand sanitiser.

3. Do not touch eyes, nose and mouth.

4. Maintain social Distancing.

5. Avoid Large Gatherings.

6. Anybody with signs & symptoms (cough, fever or difficulty in breathing) should call national Toll-Free helpline 1075 or State helpline numbers for any queries.