Guest Lecture
Dr. Kaveri Roy, Assistant Professor and Dr. Elissa Ladd Associate Professor MGH Institute of Health Professions Boston have conducted lectures for faculty and students on Outcome-based Nursing education and Active learning on 18th and 21st January 2020 respectively.
Dr. Elissa Ladd introduced the speaker, Dr Kaveri, to the gathering. Dr. Kaveri shared her experience in the process of developing a curriculum based on Outcome Based Education. She also explained how to map the course outcomes with the assessment. Dr. Judith A Noronha, Associate Dean expressed her gratitude for conducting the session. All faculty of 必威体育betway888 College of Nursing and 必威体育betway888 School of Nursing participated in the session.
On 21st January, Dr. Kaveri and Dr. Elissa Ladd conducted a session on Active learning for MSc and MPhil Nursing students and faculty of 必威体育betway888 College of Nursing. She conducted actual active learning making students interact and provided various examples of how to make active learning sessions. End of the session students were asked to share their experiences of active learning. She has suggested on teacher assistant for all the subjects which will promote students’ participation and better learning. These programs were coordinated by Dr. Shashidhara YN, Professor and Head, Department of Community Health Nursing, MCON.