Effective 必威体育betway888 Engagement Guest Lecture Series
As part of the Effective 必威体育betway888 Engagement Guest Lecture Series, a session on “Trust, Respect and Glory” was organized by the Department of Fundamentals of Nursing, 必威体育betway888 College of Nursing, MAHE 必威体育betway888 on 6th August 2022 at 10.30 am through the MS Teams online platform.???
The resource person was Dr. Deepa Damodaran, Associate Professor, Dept. of Psychology, Jain University, Kochi Campus. She interacted with the students by giving activities on goal setting, ways of thinking, and how to stay motivated. She said, trust, respect, and glory are the pillars of relationships and the 5 domains of the emotional quotient are being self-aware, managing emotions, having self-motivation, recognizing the emotions of others, and having relationships. Explained about building emotional intelligence. She further said resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversities. Control, challenge, and commitment are the basis of resilience. ?
A total of 116 first-semester BSc nursing students attended and benefitted from this guest lecture.??