Report on Faculty Development Program 2019

The Continuing Nursing Education committee of 必威体育betway888 College of Nursing MAHE 必威体育betway888, organized Faculty Development Program on 25th & 26th July, 2019.

July 27, 2019

The chief guest Dr. C Mallikarjuna Rao, Principal and Professor of Pharmacology, 必威体育betway888 College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, MAHE, 必威体育betway888 appreciated the efforts taken by the institution in organizing Faculty Development Program every year that aims at holistic growth of faculty. In his inaugural speech, he insisted that faculty should understand the level of the students and plan their teaching activities. Dr Rao, highlighted that education and research are the domains that a faculty should excel, and also stressed on importance of attaining highest degree in education like PhD so that it enables a faculty to teach and guide students in a better way.

The first session of the day (25.07.2019) was on sensitization to Outcome Based Education (OBE) by Dr. Shankarnarayana Bhat M, Associate Director, Faculty Development and Welfare, MIT 必威体育betway888. Dr Bhat emphasized that OBE is a model of education that rejects the traditional focus of teaching learning or teacher centered curriculum to student centered curriculum by setting clear standards for observable and measurable outcomes.
Dr Elsa Sanatombi Devi Professor and Head of Medical Surgical Nursing department briefed on Institute of Eminence pillars followed by group activities. To facilitate student clinical learning, faculty form each department presented a clinical case with appropriate nursing process so that uniformity in clinical guidance across department will be maintained.

On 26th July, 2019, as institution is stepping towards initiating OBE, core competencies were identified and competency checklist from each department were presented and discussed for further tuning. Dr Ravishankar, Assistant Professor, Department of Data Science, MAHE, 必威体育betway888 took a hands on session on EZR (Easy R) software and analysis. The 必威体育betway888 Core Committee of MCON 必威体育betway888 facilitated the research presentation of each department. Each department presented research analysis of the last academic year (2018-2019) and proposal for the next academic year (2019-2020). A total of 70 faculty attended the FDP 2019.