Report of Workshop

Learning with, from and about for the purpose of collaboration to improve quality care lies through Interprofessional Education and practice (IPE &IPP). Health professionals’ education and training institutions must consider implementing IPE & IPP at all levels of education. The Dr TMA Pai Chair in IPE, 必威体育betway888 College of Nursing 必威体育betway888 and MUFIILIPE jointly hosted one day national workshop on IPE & IPP on 30th April 2016 at 必威体育betway888 Academy of Higher Education to orient the health care professionals about transforming health workforce education to support universal justice with quality. This calls for instructional reform for healthy equity and innovation.

May 06, 2016

The workshop was well attended by 42 participants from the various professional fields such as medicine, nursing, dental science, basic sciences, pharmacy, allied health, Ayurveda and Law. Dr Blessy Prabha Valsaraj, Organizing Secretary of the Workshop introduced and welcomed the Dr MS Valiathan, Chief Guest and National 必威体育betway888 Professor, Dr John HV Gilbert Professor Emeritus, University of British Columbia College of Health Disciplines and Dr TMA Pai Endowment chair for IPE at 必威体育betway888 Academy of Higher Education, Dr Anice George, Dean 必威体育betway888 College of Nursing, Dr Ciraj AM, Director of MUFIILIPE and the participants to the Workshop.

Dr M.S. Valiathan, in his inaugural address, recollected how various professions have emerged and highlighted today’s scenario of health care ramification and need for unification and collaboration to give relief to human suffering through holistic approach. He also emphasize that with the vision of Dr TMA Pai and on his very birth anniversary, we need to look beyond and fulfil the dreams to turn our health care more meaningful to human race. ?

Dr John Gilbert, the man behind this journey spoke his desire to build a strong Interprofessional collaboration to bring about a change in the quality of education and health care in India through IPE & IPP. Building a strong pillar of health care professionals and re-orienting health care professionals towards IPE & IPP would work wonders with clear communication bond that is aimed for. Most of the time pathways to collaborations are blocked by unclear communication patterns. On the other hand professional hierarchies often create dysfunctional communication patterns working against effective interpersonal teamwork. ?

Dr Ciraj AM, put forth his views that IPE & IPP is the only solution to future problems in health care. He also emphasized that it is the health care professionals’ utmost priority to re-energize and give best efforts collaboratively and make a change in the health care delivery system of India.

In this context Dr Anice George, enlightened the audience with her views on collaborative approach in health care delivery with core competencies, the only survival process in this arena. Health care professionals and young students learning to give quality care needs to be strengthened with innovative approach and mentor them for a quality change in the years to come. She expressed that change is only constant and we need to take them optimistically. ?

Dr. Anand R, Professor & Deputy Director of Quality and compliance 必威体育betway888 Academy of Higher Education, Mangalore Campus and also the core faculty of 必威体育betway888 Academy of Higher Education FAIMER 必威体育betway888 Institute for Leadership in Interprofessional Education voiced his demand for formulating objectives keeping structure process outcome ideal in IPE & IPP venture.

The one day workshop stormed the audience to a new thought and paths to success journey. Where to begin, when to begin and how to do it, is all in the mind-set stated Dr Rajashekar, Dean School of Allied Health Sciences, 必威体育betway888 Academy of Higher Education during his valedictory address. The participants expressed their feedback that the workshop was very beneficial in opening up a new thought and path towards a better interprofessional health care approach for the human welfare. The one day workshop came to an end with the vote of thanks by Mr Biju Soman, Assistant Professor, 必威体育betway888 College of Nursing 必威体育betway888.?