Report on School Health Programme-2024

November 20, 2024

The School Health Program is a vital public health initiative designed to promote students' physical, mental, and social well-being within the educational system. It focuses on preventive, curative, and promotive healthcare activities to ensure a healthy school environment, early identification of health issues, and health education.

Department of Community Health Nursing, 必威体育betway888 College of Nursing (MCON), MAHE, in association with the Department of Public Health Dentistry, 必威体育betway888 College of Dental Sciences (MCODS), 必威体育betway888, and Department of Optometry, 必威体育betway888 College of Health Professions (MCHP) MAHE 必威体育betway888, conducted a school health program on November 13, 2024, at Government Higher Primary School Shettibettu, Herga Village, Udupi taluk.

Chief guest Mr. Vishwanath Poojari, Chairperson of the School Development and Maintenance Committee, Mrs. Rathna K., Headmistress of Government Higher Primary School Shettibettu Herga, Dr. Ansuya, Associate Professor, Department of Community Health Nursing, MCON, Mrs. Jancy, CHO, Health and Wellness Centre, Herga, Dr. Chahat Seithi Department of Public Health Dentistry, MCODS and Mr. Sharath from the Department of Optometry, MCHP, inaugurated the program.

Mrs. Rathna K, delivered a speech on the importance of organizing a school health program. Dr.Ansuya emphasized the value of early detection of dental health issues and vision problems, addressing these issues early can help prevent future complications.

The Department of Public Dentistry thoroughly examined each child, assessing oral hygiene and checking for early signs of tooth decay, gum problems, and other dental conditions. Additionally, each child received personalized feedback and recommendations for improving oral health. The Department of Optometry performed eye examinations, identified eye-related problems, and referred them to the Optometry wellness clinic, MCHP, for needy treatment.

Around 74 students were screened for dental checkups and vision screening assessments, out of which 47 students require treatment for dental problems, and 13 students need refraction and ophthalmology consultation, respectively. Information was provided to the class teacher so that they could communicate with their parents for further action. Awareness was provided to the students and teachers regarding personal hygiene, healthy dietary practices, and healthy lifestyles to get optimum health.

The program is aligned with SDG 3, Good Health and Wellbeing, and SDG 4, Quality Education. The program was coordinated by Dr. Ansuya, Associate Professor, MCON and?organized by students of 2nd year MSc Nursing and Semester VII BSc N Community Health Nursing, MCON, 必威体育betway888.