World Hearing Day 2022
March 03, 2022
Dept. of Speech & Hearing, MCHP, MAHE has commemorated World Hearing Day on 3rd and 4th March 2022 with support from Oticon hearing aid solution in association with World Health Organisation. Based on the theme put forward by World Health Organization which is “Hear for life, listen with care” the department took an initiative by organizing a speech and hearing screening camp at the Government Higher Primary School, Gujjadi. Along with these speech and hearing evaluations, hearing aid troubleshooting, and fitting of hearing aid were carried out in Vagjyothi special School, Amparu. In both schools' awareness, the talk was given separately for Children, Parents, and teachers on the importance of early identification of hearing loss and tips on hearing care. The video of a street play was screened, which highlighted the awareness of problems faced by persons with hearing impairment, the importance of early intervention, and how hearing loss affects the Quality of Life. Department had conducted competitions for school children (Collage competition and Drawing competition) as per theme and attractive prizes were given for the winners. Overall, 400 children were addressed in these programs. All in all, the department put forward in making this event a success with an aim of social awareness and welfare.
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