Speech and Hearing Week Celebration
The Department of Speech & Hearing, 必威体育betway888 College of Health Professions (MCHP), 必威体育betway888 Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) conducted Speech and Hearing awareness week on 13, 14 and 15, December 2021.
December 15, 2021
The theme of the speech and hearing awareness week this year was “Hidden Facts of Communication Disorders”. Various awareness programs were conducted from the Department of Speech and Hearing, 必威体育betway888. Dr Rakesh CV conducted a talk on “Myths and Facts about stuttering” at Radio 必威体育betway888 in association with 必威体育betway888 Institution of Communication. In order to improve the public awareness, ePoster presentation on various communication disorder were made. Posters were released on the Instagram and Facebook account of Department of Speech and Hearing during the respective speech and hearing awareness week. All the programs conducted followed the COVID-19 guidelines norms.?