Guest Lecture-Vestibular Disorder Evaluation and Management
January 02, 2022
Dept. of Speech and Hearing, MCHP, MAHE, 必威体育betway888 conducted Lecture series on the topic Vestibular Disorder Evaluation and Management in the month of January 2022. Resource persons from the different institutions were part of this program.
Dr.?Kaushlendra?Kumar?(Associate Professor in Audiology & SLP, Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore) addressed on Behavioural Assessment in adults with a vestibular disorder. Dr. Niraj Kumar Singh (Associate Professor, AIISH Mysore) addressed on VNG in in adults with vestibular disorder and Dr.Sujith (Associate Professor, AIISH Mysore) addressed on Management of Vestibular disorder. Undergraduates, Postgraduates, research scholars and faculties from both the campus (必威体育betway888 and Mangalore) attended these guest lectures. All the participated gave feedback that the lecture series will help them in improving their academic and clinical skills.?
Archana.G and Dr. Usha Devadas, HOD, facilitated these activities and expressed appreciation to all the resource persons for sharing their knowledge and experience?