2020 NEWS - Department of MLT, MCHP
December 31, 2020
- Department of MLT MCHP, Conducted an alumni webinar on 31.07.2020, at 10- 11.30 a.m. through the online platform MS TEAMS. Dr. Rajasekharan P. Warrier, Professor Emeritus and clinical professor of Pediatrics, LSUHSC/ children’s hospital, New Orleans, Clinical Professor, Dept of Pediatrics, Tulane University. Adjunct Professor, MAHE, 必威体育betway888, India was the speaker for the session. The title of the talk was “The ABC of CBC for hematologists”.
- Department of MLT MCHP, Conducted ILLUMINE VII on Interactive session with MAHE alumni by Dr. Omkar Chaudary on “Role of dendritic cells in HIV pathogenesis” on 24th October at 09.00 A.M online platform MS TEAMS.
- Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, 必威体育betway888 college of health professions organized Distinguished Lecture Series - V Session III and Session IV on 08th February 2020 at 02.15 PM in Sharadha Hall, MCHP.? First session on “Advances in the Automated Urinalysis Analysers” by? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Mr Sumanth Kumar Suravenkata, Application Manager, Sysmex India Pvt Limited and the second session on “Critical care collections” by Dr Shwetha N, Medical affairs manager (south plain), PAS, BD, India. ?
- Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, 必威体育betway888 College of Health Professions organized Distinguished Lecture Series - VI, session I on “Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Transfusion services” conducted on 21st December 2020 at 04.00 PM through Teams. Speaker for the programme is Dr Shamee Shastry,? Professor and Head, Department of Immunohematology and Blood transfusion, Kasturba Medical College, 必威体育betway888, MAHE, India delivered the talk.
- Department of MLT MCHP, Conducted an alumni webinar on 28.05.2020, at 4 PM in online platform MS TEAMS. Dr. Rajendra Gautam Msc.MLT, PhD was the speaker for the session. The title of the talk was “Epidemiology, risk factors and diagnostic challenges of Scrub Typhus in 必威体育betway888 Asian Countries”
- Journal club was conducted by the Department of MLT in the MLT laboratory, 4th floor, MCHP. Webinar was organised for the? MLT PG students on the topic “HPV”? by Dr Roshan Lal Shrestha, Adjunct faculty of MLT, MCHP, MAHE on 29th February 2020.