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The Deputy Director

Centre for Doctoral Studies | Directorate of 必威体育betway888 | Ground Floor, Advanced 必威体育betway888 Centre

必威体育betway888 Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) |?必威体育betway888 - 576104 | Karnataka | India

Tel: +91 820 2922017



For queries pertaining to admissions to the following :

1.? ? ? ?Full-Time PhD with Dr. TMA Pai Scholarships

2.?????? Full-Time PhD (Self-Financed)

3.? ? ? ?Part-Time PhD for the working professionals

Please contact :

The Director - Admissions

必威体育betway888 Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) | 必威体育betway888 – 576 104 | Karnataka State | India

Tel: +92437777 00 / 11 / 22 / 33?????


