There are many centers created under Kasturba Medical College, 必威体育betway888. These centers have a coordinator and a specific period time frame allotted to them. These centers do outstanding work in the field of academics, health care, social work, and research. The basic idea of the centers is to have foundation to develop a department from that center and an institute later. These centers are open for faculty, postgraduates and undergraduates to participate and contribute.
Center for Rare Diseases
Inception date: 1 September 2021
Vision: Develop a Center for Rare Disease as a benchmark for diagnosis, care and research and training in India
Mission: To establish a self-sustaining center for cutting edge research in rare disease etiology along with training the next generation of scientists for clinical and fundamental biomedical research.
o?? To establish a local cohort and biorepository for rare genetic disorders.
o?? To deploy genomics analyses like exome sequencing (ES), whole genome sequencing (WGS) and RNA-Seq for discovering potential disease-causing variants.
o?? To functionally characterize causal genes/variants in cells and model organisms through in vitro assays, proteomics and, metabolomics/lipidomics approaches to understand the potential disease mechanisms.
o?? To establish a cutting-edge interdisciplinary research-training program focused on rare diseases for physician-scientists (as part of Clinical 必威体育betway888 Training Program (CRTP)), basic scientists and genetic counselors, that integrates clinical and laboratory sciences.
Coordinator: Dr Girisha KM
Centre of Emergency Toxicology
Inception Date: February 11,2021
Vision: To provide service to the nation by reducing the burden of toxicological emergencies.
Mission: To set up a State of the Art Centre for Emergency Toxicology to translate evidence-based toxicological practices for patient care.
·??????? Academics and training:
o?? UG and PG toxicology teaching and training through integrated modules.
o?? HAZMAT Team Training and simulation – MAHE HAZMAT module.
o?? Setting up an interactive toxicology museum for toxicological substances and specimens.
·??????? 必威体育betway888 –Areas in Focus:
o?? Point of care diagnostics in toxicology.
o?? Regional and 必威体育betway888 research collaboration.
o?? 必威体育betway888 on anti-dotes, delivery systems, and treatment modalities.
o?? Decontamination systems in Emergency departments.
·??????? Clinical:
o?? Setting up of a. “Tox Cart” - for keeping necessary emergency drugs for quick use.
o?? Statox panel/lab – quick and easy testing and diagnosis of toxicological substances.
o?? Initiating a “Tox Board” – Collaboration of clinical and analytical toxicology to provide a platform for proper analysis and debriefing of cases –Tox Alert system.
Coordinator:?Dr. Freston Marc Sirur
Center for Emerging and Tropical Diseases (CETD)
Inception Date: 01/09/2017
Vision: Cross-cutting research in the field of Emerging and Tropical diseases to guide public policy.
Mission: Act as a center of reference in the country for selected emerging and tropical diseases. Improve surveillance and awareness among the population regarding selected emerging and tropical diseases.
·??????? To be the unified voice on common issues regarding emerging, re-emerging, and neglected tropical diseases to achieve our goals.
·??????? To enhance our community of practice through member engagement, learning, and sharing knowledge.
·??????? To prepare a Comprehensive framework for disease management and prevention.
Coordinator: Dr. Chiranjay Mukhopadhyay

Centre for Disaster Management
Inception Date: 13 February 2021
Vision:?Global, National, and Regional leadership in education, training, and research with a vision to deliver 必威体育betway888 Academy of Higher Education's roles and responsibilities in serving humanity in disasters and other eventualities.
Mission:?To imbibe, enhance, propagate the knowledge and skills in disaster management by promoting the training and retraining of the community, multidisciplinary professionals, and other stakeholders by aligning with national goals and targeting an expansion to the global perspectives by collaborating internationally to nurture education, research, and capacity building for primary and secondary disaster mitigation.
·??????? Human?Resource Development:?Formulating and implementing a comprehensive human resource development plan covering all aspects of disaster management
·??????? Developing educational materials for disaster management including academic and professional courses
·??????? Undertaking, organizing and facilitating study courses, conferences, lectures, seminars within and outside the country to promote the aforesaid objects
·??????? Propagating the need for?Disaster Management to Course Curricula starting from school
·??????? Policymaking:? Being a stakeholder in policy development of regional and national importance Work with governmental and non-governmental agencies towards policy generation and assist in the implementation.
·??????? Community Outreach: promote awareness among stakeholders including college or school teachers and students, technical personnel, and others associated with multi-hazard mitigation, preparedness, and response measures do all such other lawful things as are conducive or incidental to the attainment of the above objects.
·??????? 必威体育betway888: undertake and provide for the publication of journals, research papers, and books and establish and maintain libraries in furtherance of the aforesaid objects; Maintain registries and data repositories for future research.
Coordinator:?Dr. Jayaraj Mymbilly Balakrishnan
Centre for Excellence in Inborn Errors of Metabolism (CE-IEM)
Inception Date: 1st January 2016
Vision: Development of state of art metabolic lab to detect Inborn Errors of Metabolism, Adult metabolic disorders, Monitoring drug concentration, and Toxicology estimations.
Mission: Development and establishment of routine and high-risk newborn screening in the Udupi district, Decrease infant mortality and morbidity. Extending the facility to neighboring districts, capacity building in the field of newborn screening.
·??????? Establishment of newborn screening at MAHE constituent Hospitals and extend the facility to the government sector Udupi dist.
·??????? Document the incidence of IEM in the Udupi district and develop a geography-specific reference range of Biomarkers.
·??????? Extending cost-effective newborn screening to neighboring districts and pan Karnataka.
·??????? Create awareness, establish networks, train IEM experts, support research, and execute IEM projects .
·??????? Provide genetic workup counseling for the parents of children suffering from IEM disorders.
·??????? High-end toxicology screening and drug level monitoring.
Coordinator: Dr. Leslie Edward Simon Lewis


Centre for Congenital Hand differences
Inception Date: 01/12/2016
Vision: To be a center of excellence in India for Congenital hand differences.
Mission: To practice comprehensive documentation, clinical knowledge translation, training, innovative research, and community services for children with congenital hand differences.
·??????? Promote awareness of local, regional, and national data to create a global impact in line with the vision of the University.
·??????? Centre of repute in learning and teaching the management of congenital hand differences and develop holistic patient management with a team-based approach.
·??????? Spearhead high-quality original and innovative research and development related to hand malformations in India and publish them.
·??????? Establish bilateral partnerships with high-volume regional centers to enhance the potential for international partnerships and grants and achieve academic and innovative prowess.
·??????? Community participation along with the involvement of policymakers to further services to remote areas.
Coordinator: Dr. Anil K Bhat

Centre for Swallowing Disorders
Inception Date: 01-06-2021
Vision: To be the center for excellence in education, research, and comprehensive and innovative clinical care for swallowing disorders
Mission: To promote excellence in training and research to provide evidence-based clinical services for swallowing disorders to 'Reach the Required'.
·??????? To develop a comprehensive multidisciplinary clinic for the assessment and management of individuals with swallowing disorders.
·??????? Focused approach for swallowing disorders in a) children, b) Head & neck oncology cases, c) Neurological illnesses d) geriatrics.
·??????? To foster innovation, and to train/mentor students, researchers, and health care providers in this area.
·??????? To conduct knowledge enhancement workshops for the benefit of novice as well as practicing therapists.
·??????? To enhance the research in the field of swallowing disorders and rehabilitation through national and international collaboration.
Coordinator: Dr. Suneel C Mundkur
Center for Wilderness Medicine
Inception Date: 01/09/2019
·??????? To provide a platform for learning wilderness medicine in India and internationally.
·??????? To provide a service to the nation with this unique and diverse field.
·??????? To facilitate the development of various initiatives and innovations consistent with the sustainable development goals.
·??????? To provide Wilderness Medical services locally, nationally, and internationally.
·??????? To drive research, development, and innovation in Wilderness Medicine.
·??????? To set up a sustainable division of Wilderness Medicine.
·??????? To start training programs and courses in Wilderness Medicine- MD Marine Medicine (MCI approved) programs, short courses (Basic, Advanced and Specialized), Fellowships, student education, and community training.
·??????? To provide Wilderness Medical services on expeditions to remote or austere environments.
·??????? To obtain training, observership, and participate in conferences on Wilderness Medicine.
·??????? To start training in Wilderness Medicine at MAHE.
·??????? To initiate and complete multidisciplinary Wilderness Medicine related 必威体育betway888 and innovation.
·??????? To support all activities that require Wilderness Medical Support.
·??????? To start a Postgraduate program in Dive and Marine Medicine.
·??????? To start a High Altitude and Mountaineering Medicine Program.
Coordinator: Dr. Freston Marc Sirur

Centre for Balance Disorders
Inception Date: 15/05/2020
Vision: To improve the quality of life in patients with balance disorders by treating them with an interdisciplinary and evidence-based approach.
Mission: To be a center of excellence, foster research and innovation in the field of balance disorders with national and international collaborations.
·??????? To develop a comprehensive multidisciplinary clinic for the management of balance disorders.
·??????? To foster innovation, and train/mentor students, researchers, and health care providers in balance disorders, and facilitate national and international collaborations.
·??????? To conduct short-term training courses and workshops.
·??????? To develop an e-health platform for awareness, assessment, and self-help modules.
·??????? To foster evidence-based practices, best practices, and multi-centric studies.????
Coordinator: Dr. Ajay Bhandarkar M, Dr. Krishna Y

Centre for Benign Hematological Disorders
Inception Date: 01/12/2019
Vision: To provide comprehensive care, diagnosis, rehabilitation, education, and research in the area of benign hematological disorders through a multidisciplinary approach.
Mission: Multidisciplinary approach to patient diagnosis and rehabilitation.
Objectives: Comprehensive Patient Care, 必威体育betway888.
Coordinator: Dr. Ganesh Mohan
Centre for Poison Information
Inception Date: 01/12/2019
Vision: To become a WHO accredited center in Coastal Karnataka to provide comprehensive medical care of poisoning cases.
Mission: To increase collaborations/grants/research outputs & to improve the infrastructure with few modern types of equipment.
·??????? Facilitate regular screening of active farmers.
·??????? Create basic awareness about hazards of pesticides among farmers/public.
·??????? Rapid resolution of all poison/substance abuse cases.
·??????? Provide needy information to public/doctors/law enforcing agency regarding pesticides/substance of abuse.
Coordinator: Dr. Vinutha R Bhat

Centre for Clinical Anthropometry
Inception Date: 01/12/2018
Vision: To have an anthropometric baseline database for the adult and fetal Indian population which will be utilized to identify the sex, age, nutritional status, diseases, human remains, and various congenital anomalies.
Mission: To become a Center of distinction in the field of clinical Anthropometry which aims to update and collect various anthropometric data of adults and fetuses of different populations of various regions.
·??????? Collecting various anthropometric data of adults, children, and fetuses of all parts of India and making a normal database.
·??????? Identify and explore emerging research issues in the field of clinical anthropometry and apply for grants.
·??????? To facilitate knowledge dissemination among various stakeholders.
Coordinator: Dr. Chandni Gupta


Clinical 必威体育betway888 Centre for Neuromodulation in Psychiatry
Inception Date: December 1, 2020
Vision: To establish a research center in neuromodulation techniques in psychiatry.
Mission: To carry out disease modeling studies in psychiatric disorders using multi-modal data anchored on investigative neuromodulation techniques and discovery of biomarkers predictive of differential clinical response to neuromodulatory interventions.
·??????? The center will serve as a resource in understanding the neurobiological correlates of pharmaco-resistance in psychiatric diseases, and the neurobiological effects of neuromodulation.
·??????? It will act as a resource center to disseminate the knowledge and expertise to the professionals who are interested to take up cutting-edge research in the area of neuromodulation in psychiatry.
·??????? To integrate the "big data" related to the previous two objectives for the discovery of biomarkers that can predict differential clinical response to NIBS and thereby develop personalized, neuromodulatory interventions to impart "Precision Medicine".
·??????? This CRC will interact with all stakeholders to facilitate the implementation of these neuromodulatory treatment approaches at different levels of health care delivery through standardized, scalable, pragmatic interventions.
·??????? This CRC will generate “clinician-scientists” in this area and conduct a regional/national level virtual training program to enhance the practice standards of neuromodulatory interventions in India.
·??????? After the completion of the research projects, the services of the center can be offered to select patient populations with appropriate indications, who might benefit from these treatment modalities.
Coordinator: Dr. Samir Kumar Praharaj

Centre for Community Oncology
Inception Date: 20/12/2015
Vision: To be a center of excellence for the prevention and control of cancer in the community.
Mission: Bring about cancer control by primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention activities.
·??????? Promote and implement primary, secondary & tertiary levels of prevention concerning common cancers in the region.
·??????? To foster research in the area of cancer prevention & control and facilitate the output of quality publications and research grants.
·??????? Capacity building, training, and mentorship.
·??????? Consulting for Preventive Oncology activities.
Coordinator:?Dr. Ranjitha S Shetty

Centre for Fertility Preservation
Inception Date: 26/11/2015
Vision: To function as resource and reference center in the field of "Oncofertility".
Mission: To establish the state of the art facility to provide clinical service and research.
·??????? To provide fertility preservation care to Pediatric childhood cancer patients and young adults.
·??????? To serve as a national resource for fertility preservation.
·??????? Knowledge dissemination and training of specialists.
·??????? Facilitate international collaborations.
·??????? Undertake cutting edge research through extramural funding.
Coordinator: Dr. Satish Kumar Adiga

Centre for Molecular Neurosciences
Inception Date: 19/10/2018
Vision: Outstanding neuroscience research to help the global community for better brain-related and mental health.
Mission: To perform excellent advancement in neuroscience through innovative ideas, ultramodern techniques, and collaborative work with resolution.
·??????? Undertaking research activities of regional, national and global importance.
·??????? Evaluating neuroscience problems with multiple perspectives and out of box ideas.
·??????? Undertaking national and international collaborations to accomplish planned tasks.
·??????? Training students to become proficient neuroscientists at the global level.
·??????? Organization of workshops, seminars, conferences, and advanced training courses to gain and disseminate the experience.
Coordinator: Dr. Dinesh Upadhya

Centre for Indigenous population
Inception Date: 01/05/2018
Vision: To enhance the overall health and well-being of the indigenous population.
Mission: To encourage and empower the indigenous population to attain a better quality of life.
·??????? Need assessment of the community to identify challenges with regards to health and well being.
·??????? Capacity building through targeted interventions.
·??????? Identify and document traditions and best practices of this population to preserve their customary culture.
Coordinator: Dr. Ranjitha S Shetty

Center for Clinical and Innovative Forensics
Inception Date:?February 1, 2018
Vision:?To become a Center of distinction imparting quality clinical forensic services and promoting development of innovative technology for forensic investigation
Mission:?To promote research, innovation, stakeholder training, and consultation to law enforcement agencies
·??????? To develop a strong network of trained stakeholders in the area of clinical forensics
·??????? To explore emerging research issues in the field of clinical forensics and obtain research funding to advance scientific research
·??????? to promote development of innovative technology for forensic investigation and encourage adoption among key stake holders
Coordinator:?Dr. Vinod C Nayak

Centre for Travel Medicine
Inception Date: 01/12/2018.
Vision: To develop a personalized State of the Art “Centre for Travel Medicine” at 必威体育betway888.
Mission: To provide preventive services for international travelers through risk assessment, screening, vaccinations and follow up evaluation.
·??????? To create awareness about pre-travel consultation/travel medicine.
·??????? To develop standard pre-travel immunization docket.
·??????? To provide personalized travel risk assessment for international travelers.
Coordinator: Dr. Chythra R Rao.?

Centre for Foetal and Perinatal Pathology
Inception Date: 01/02/2019
Vision: To be a National and Regional Reference Centre for Fetal and Perinatal Pathology.
Mission: To identify the causes of fetal and perinatal deaths & to identify preventable causes of death and thereby reduce the perinatal mortality rate.
·??????? High-quality service provision.
·??????? Medical and scientific advances in perinatal pathology.
·??????? Education, Training, and Courses.
·??????? Support services to affiliate and regional hospitals/clinics.
·??????? Building national and international linkages.
Coordinator: Dr. Mary Mathew