Student Mobility Center

必威体育betway888 collaborative activities at Kasturba Medical College, 必威体育betway888 are part of two major overlapping offices. At the institutional level, the activities are coordinated by the Student Mobility Center, while they are centrally monitored by the office of international affairs and collaborations at the university level (/mu/about-us/international-collaboration.html). Click here for OIAC Info Booklet. The Office is primarily responsible for providing direction, assistance and synchronizing all of the University’s international work with overseas Institutions and Governments.

必威体育betway888ization at KMC, 必威体育betway888 works towards providing comprehensive international medical experience to foreign medical students to supplement the learning from their home institution and encourages experience of diverse socio-cultural backgrounds in different countries. It also provides students of KMC, 必威体育betway888, an opportunity to obtain exposure world class health care through participation in clinical and research electives and promotes collaborative research practices among medical students and faculty. It also acts as a common liaison center for international collaborations, by supporting the development of all memorandum of agreements and partnerships with overseas universities, foreign governments and international organizations abroad. It promotes the involvement of faculty members and students in international research and development as well as facilitates access to international funding opportunities.


The SMC functions under the direct supervision of the Dean, KMC, 必威体育betway888 and the three Faculty Coordinators named above report to the Dean pertaining to the activities of the Centre.

Faculty coordinators:

1. Dr Sindhura Lakshmi K.L, Associate Professor of Pathology

2. Dr Freston Marc Sirur, Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine

3. Ms Nandini Prashanth Bhat, Lecturer at Department of Anatomy

Each department has a SMC coordinator who monitor and give feedback to the students who are posted to the department as part of their learning opportunities.

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Comprehensive and unified framework for seamless international operations to collaborate with global community providing excellence in medical education, promoting transdisciplinary and translational research and faculty development for better patient care.


SMC is committed to synchronize and provide directions for international operations across all constituent departments of KMC, 必威体育betway888 while catering to international visiting students, promoting faculty mobility and fostering global academic as well as research collaborations.


1. To facilitate providing of learning opportunities for outgoing and incoming students in our departments

2. To coordinate and liaison with the host institutions / departments /faculty for smooth functioning of the student learning opportunities, which would also include electives, observerships etc.

3. To provide monthly data pertaining to the activities to the leadership team

4. To coordinate with the faculty coordinators nominated by the HoDs of KMC, 必威体育betway888 for effective implementation and working of the student learning opportunities.

5. To assist students of KMC, 必威体育betway888 who would like to pursue their elective / exchange opportunities elsewhere would approach the faculty coordinators of SMC

Information for international visiting students

The international medical students from different parts of the world (the Netherlands, Australia, USA, UK, Nigeria, Congo, 必威体育betway888 Africa, Srilanka, Malaysia and France) have visited KMC, 必威体育betway888 every year.

Click here for?List of elective offered?at KMC, 必威体育betway888.

The applications must be submitted to the office of international affairs and collaborations.?Click here for?Visiting Student Application Procedure.



Application form

Dean/registrar evaluation for international visiting students

List of documents required

FRRO registration

Immunization and health record

Postexposure prophylaxis and infection control policy

Visiting student evaluation form

Please note that any hands-on elective experience requires prior permission from the National Medical Commission. Click here for the NMC permission form.

Click here for inbound students FAQ

Information for KMC, 必威体育betway888 students who wish to do international away rotations

According to National Medical Council regulations undergraduate medical students of India will not be eligible for clerkship credit transfers if such clerkships are done abroad. However, they may be permitted to take part in electives/away rotations/sub internships abroad. Again, there is no credit transfer. Keeping this in mind, we encourage our students to undergo short term (maximum 4 weeks) away rotations to learn about different health care systems, cultural and social diversity across the globe.

The outbound students have 4 options of applying for international electives

1. Apply through OIAC to partner universities (click here for list of partner universities)

2. Apply through visiting student application service- an initiative by Association of American Medical Colleges (click here for application for registration to VSLO).

Click to know VSLO?Registration Details

3. Apply through OIAC to non partner universities (Click here for the list of nonpartner universities)

4. Apply privately without the institutional reference, through external agencies such as AMopportunities, ACE etc (click here for registering to AMO)

The students are supported by providing administrative assistance and their applications are routed through the institute and the international office.

They are also informed about funding opportunities, attendance claims and possible research areas as and when the center receives such updates from partner universities and the international office.

Kasturba Medical College, 必威体育betway888, is the only medical college in the country to be recognized by the New York State education department (NYSED) which gives unrestricted allowance on the duration of clerkship/elective experience for KMC students seeking long-term clinical clerkship placements in the state of New York.

Global Education in Medicine Exchange (GEMx) is an ECFMG initiative. It is a global partnership for exchange in Medical education that connects medical schools and students around the world. Please contact the SMC coordinators for registration.

Recommendation letters and transcripts:

Dean’s LOR is provided to the student upon request to

If the student requires LORs from their teachers, they are advised to contact respective faculty directly.

Provisional Medical School Transcripts are provided by the Dean’s office (

Career Counselling Cell also conducts webinars at regular intervals.

For research related queries, please contact research cell ( and student research forum.

For additional information and queries, please contact Student Mobility Center ( during working hours.

We require medical student elective evaluation completed by the course director/ supervisor and sent directly to and Click here for the external medical elective evaluation form.

Click here for outbound student FAQ.

Setting up a new international collaboration (click here for details)

Click here for list of existing partners.

Format for a generic MoU.

Format for a research Mou.


Information on inviting international visiting faculty (click here)



Contact details:

Office address:

Student Mobility Center, Kasturba Medical College, 必威体育betway888,

Room number 3, ground floor, KMC faculty rooms,

Administrative block, Dr. T.M.A. Pai Hall, near tiger circle,

必威体育betway888, Udupi, Karnataka, India. 576104

Dean office:; ph: 0820 2922367

Dean:?Dr. Padmaraj Hegde

SMC coordinators:

1. Dr Sindhura Lakshmi K.L, Associate Professor of Pathology

(; 8095136096)

2. Dr Freston Marc Sirur, Assistant Professor of Emergency

Medicine (; 9604200840)

3. Ms. Nandini Prashanth Bhat, Tutor in Anatomy

(; 9449079477)


Key Dates & Deadlines


Last date to Apply


Tentative Course Commencement Date

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