Rainwater Harvesting
The 必威体育betway888 Academy of Higher Education campus is a Green Campus and rainwater harvesting (RWH) is integrated into the everyday life at 必威体育betway888.
Rain water is collected from rooftops of buildings from existing down takes, connected to a common header and led to a trickling sand filter with a filtering capacity of 10000 litres / hour. The filtered water is then used for domestic purposes after chlorination. This is adopted in hostel buildings.
Rainwater harvesting is also done by diverting storm water drains and run-off from rooftops to bore wells to recharge them.
For this, a pit of size 2m x 2m x 2m is excavated around the dry bore well and the casing pipe is fitted with a V-wire filter. Filter media is filled in the pit around the well. Storm water drains and roof top rain water are diverted into this pit. The rain water gets filtered into the bore well through the v-wire filter. This scheme is adopted in 11 locations around the campus.