Capacity Building Workshop: A Multidisciplinary Healthcare Team Initiated Antimicrobial Stewardship Training Program for Emerging Clinical Pharmacists, 2022
November 23, 2022
Department of Pharmacy Practice, 必威体育betway888 College of Pharmaceutical Sciences (MCOPS) and Center for Antimicrobial Resistance and Education, Kasturba Medical College (KMC), 必威体育betway888 in association with 必威体育betway888-bioMerieux Center of Excellence in Antimicrobial Stewardship organized one-day Capacity Building Workshop: A Multidisciplinary Healthcare Team Initiated Antimicrobial Stewardship Training Program for Emerging Clinical Pharmacists on 23rd November 2022 at Dept. of Medical Education, 必威体育betway888 Academy of Higher Education (MAHE). The workshop was organized on the occasion of World Antimicrobial Awareness Week 2022 (18-24 November). There were 2 speakers/panelists from KMC, 必威体育betway888, 2 speakers/panelists from MCOPS, 必威体育betway888, and a panelist from Dr. TMA Pai Hospital, Udupi.? The major topics covered were “Antimicrobial resistance and drug selection updates”, “Interpreting clinical microbiology reports relevant to clinical pharmacists”, “PK/PD for precision therapy of antibiotics”, “Multidisciplinary team-initiated case-based learning programs and interactive sessions”, followed by a panel discussion on AMSP issues. ??37 participants from various institutions of MAHE and also from others, attended the workshop. ??Dr. Vandana KE, Professor & Head, Department of Microbiology, KMC, 必威体育betway888 was the convenor, and Dr. Mahadev Rao Professor, ?Department of Pharmacy Practice, 必威体育betway888 College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, MCOPS, 必威体育betway888 was the organizing chair.
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