Prof. (Dr.)Arvind Kumar M.Phil., Ph.D.

Professor and Head of the Department

Department of Geopolitics & 必威体育betway888 Relations


    Arvind Kumar is Professor and Head, Department of Geopolitics and 必威体育betway888 Relations, MAHE. Prof. Kumar is also the Director of China Study Centre,?North East Studies Centre, Centre for Polish and Central European Studies.??


Subject Semester / Year
Understanding Geopolitics (Core Course) First semester
必威体育betway888 Methodology Second semester
必威体育betway888 and Regional Organisations First and Third semesters
Indian National Security and Defence Management (Core Course) Second semester
Geopolitics, Security and Environmental Change Third semester
India and the US in the Emerging World Third semester
Role of Media in Geopolitics Third semester
Science, Technology and Geopolitics Fourth semester
Arms Control, Nuclear Disarmament and Nuclear Futures Fourth semester
Strategy and Negotiations in 必威体育betway888 Treaties Fourth semester
Defence & Intelligence in India’s National Security Fourth semester
World Peace in the Nuclear Age Fourth semester
Contemporary Indian Society (Shared Responsibility)
Idea of India (Shared Responsibility)
Challenges to Indo-Pacific Security Architecture Course work for PhD
Methods in Review of Literature Course work for PhD


Degree Specialisation Institute Year of passing
Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD) Nuclear, strategic, defence and foreign policy issues, Asia -Pacific Security Issues, American Society and Civil Rights Movements, Strategic Technologies more particularly surveillance and monitoring, Technologies for intelligence gathering, ballistic missiles, deterrence theory and matters related to international security. Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Master of Philosophy (MPhil) Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Master of Arts (MA)


Institution / Organisation Designation Role Tenure
Geopolitics and 必威体育betway888 Relations Professor and Head January 2010 till Date
Study Abroad Program Director January 2010 till Date
Geopolitics and 必威体育betway888 Relations, 必威体育betway888 Academy of Higher Education Associate Professor October 2007- December 2010
必威体育betway888 Institute of Communication Visiting Faculty October 2007- December 2010
Delhi University Lecturer Taught Political Science and 必威体育betway888 Relations. 2 years
Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA, New Delhi) 必威体育betway888 Analyst Conducted Policy and Academic 必威体育betway888 on the role of United States in 必威体育betway888 Asia and 必威体育betway888 Asian Security Scenario. 2 years
National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS, Bangalore) 必威体育betway888 Fellow Conducted Policy and Academic 必威体育betway888 on international Security issues and delivered lectures in some of the major courses offered by NIAS. 12 years


Area of Interest

必威体育betway888 Relations Theory, Indian Foreign Policy, Technology & National Security, Asian Security Architecture, India and 必威体育betway888 Asia, Terrorism, Geopolitics and Globalisation and Indo-US Relations, American Society.

Area of Expertise

Nuclear, strategic, defence and foreign policy issues, Asia - Pacific Security Issues, American Society and Civil Rights Movements, Strategic Technologies more particularly surveillance and monitoring, Technologies for intelligence gathering, ballistic missiles, deterrence theory and matters related to international security.

Area of 必威体育betway888

Nuclear, strategic, defence and foreign policy issues, 必威体育betway888 Relations Theory, Indian Foreign Policy, Technology and National Security, Asian Security Architecture, India and 必威体育betway888 Asia, Terrorism, Geopolitics and Globalisation and Indo-US Relations, American Society.

Professional Affiliations & Contributions

  • Member of 必威体育betway888 Studies Association.
  • Member of 必威体育betway888 Political Science Association.
  • Member of 必威体育betway888 European Studies Association.
  • Member of Advisory Board, UNISCI Discussion Papers, University of Madrid.
  • Member of Advisory Board, Defence Journal, Mumbai.

Relevance of long range SLBM


Centre for Asian Strategic Studies, New Delhi .

The evolution of china's strategic culture and its geopolitical significance and implications

2013-01-01 Anand V

PhD 必威体育betway888.