Workshop on OBE (Outcome Based Education) in BDS curriculum at MCODS, Mangalore
必威体育betway888 College of Dental Sciences, 必威体育betway888 and Mangalore jointly conducted the first of the two workshops on “OBE (Outcome Based Education)” in BDS curriculum on Saturday, 13th July 2019. The programme was attended by 60 participants of the various departments involved in teaching of the subjects of Bachelor in Dental Surgery. The first resource person was Dr. Dilip G Naik, Dean, 必威体育betway888 College of Dental Sciences, Mangalore who gave an overview of the principles and documentation involved in outcome based education. “Hierarchy of Outcomes” was rightly described and addressed by Dr. Ciraj AM, Deputy Director, Centre for Continuing Education and Interprofessional development (CCEID). The philosophy and the terminologies were described by Dr. Ciraj in his presentation. Dr. SN Bhat, Associate Director (Faculty Development & Welfare), 必威体育betway888, explained the blooms taxonomy with examples in his talk on “Taxonomy of learning Domains”. He further conducted the workshop on the “Writing Course Outcomes” where the participants indulged in writing example course outcomes in their subjects which were discussed at length. Dr. Srikant N, from MCODS, Mangalore added to the workshop the constructive alignment involved in Outcome based education. The participants gave a good feedback on the programme. Dr. Vidya Saraswathi, Associate Dean, MCODS, 必威体育betway888, handed over the momentos to the resource persons and proposed the vote of thanks for the programme.