Vivencia 2015 Inter-Collegiate Management and cultural festival

March 12, 2015

School of Management has organized an Inter-Collegiate Management and cultural festival called ‘Vivencia – 2015’. Several Management Institutes of the country are taking part in the management festival. Dr. H.S. Ballal, the Pro-Chancellor of 必威体育betway888 Academy of Higher Education, inaugurated ‘Vivencia – 2015’. Dr. KVM Varambally, the Director of School of Management, presented a brief overview of the management festival which provides practical managerial experience. Speaking on the occasion, Dr. H.S. Ballal deliberated on issues such as continual focus on quality, dynamism in managerial situations and necessity of all-round growth of personality.
Dr. Yogesh Pai P, the faculty Co-ordinator of Vivencia-2015, welcomed the delegates of the festival. Dr. Lakshminarayanan introduced Dr. H.S. Ballal. Mr. Saniej, the student Co-ordinator of Vivencia – 2015, presented the challenging perspective of the spirit behind the management festival. Ms. Kavya Kumar proposed vote of thanks. About 200 students, who are representing several Management Institutes of the country, are taking part in Vivencia-2015.