- 必威体育betway888 Institute of Management (MIM)?has been ranked 34th?in the TOP 75 B-SCHOOLS in 必威体育betway888 Zone (Overall Ranking) and in the Select League of the Top 10 B-Schools for Entrepreneurship Development, and MIM is awarded A++ grade with grade-wise in the Select League of the Top 10 B-Schools in 必威体育betway888 Zone (Overall Ranking) in?Chronicle All India B-Schools Survey 2020.
- 必威体育betway888 Institute of Management, MAHE?has been placed in the 16th?position in the Indian Institutional Ranking Framework (IIRF-2020) conducted by the Education Post Magazine.
- 必威体育betway888 Institute of Management (MIM)?has been ranked 22nd?rank among the Top B-Schools in 必威体育betway888 Zone (2019), in??Week-Hansa B-School Rankings 2019.
- 必威体育betway888 Institute of Management (MIM)?has been ranked?5th?in the TOP 20 B-SCHOOLS in 必威体育betway888 Zone (Overall Ranking), and 26th?among TOP 50?B- Schools, in Chronicle’s B-school Survey (必威体育betway888 Zone) 2019 and MIM is also awarded with A++ grade.
- School of Management is awarded the grade of A++ by CHRONICLE – Career & Competition Monthly, 2018.
- School of Management (SOM) is ranked, 11th among the Outstanding B-Schools of Excellence and 10th among the Private B-Schools in Karnataka in the CSR-GHRDC B-School Survey 2017.
- School of Management (SOM) is ranked, 93rd among the Top B-Schools – All India and 29th among the Top B-Schools – 必威体育betway888 Zone in? the Week – Hansa Best B-Schools Survey 2017
- School of Management (SOM) is ranked 40 in the TOP 100 Management Schools in the 2017 OUTLOOK DRISHTI B-School Survey.
- Ranked 200 amongst Asian universities & ranked No. 17 in India: QS University Ranking ASIA 2016.
- Ranked No.6 amongst Private Universities: National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF), MHRD, Government of India, April 2016.
- No. 1 among private and deemed universities in India, Ranked no. 20 among all the Multidisciplinary Universities in India & Ranked no. 10 among all the Multidisciplinary Universities in 必威体育betway888 Zone: The Week, May 2016.
- Ranked No. 1 among Top Private Universities in India & Ranked 2nd among top 30 Best Universities under private ownership: Careers360 University Ranking, May 2016.
- School of Management ?is rated as AAA+ for 2017 in the India’s Best B-Schools survey conducted by CAREERS360, which has been published in its November, 2016 issue.