August 01, 2024

The Department of Periodontology, MCODS, 必威体育betway888, celebrated the ‘Oral Hygiene Day- on? 1st August 2024’. This day is observed across India in memory of the birth anniversary of the legend, Dr. G B Shankwalker , founder of the Indian society of Periodontology. In view of this special day, various events were organized ?for a week with? focus ?on promotion of ?oral health by featuring correct oral hygiene practices and minimizing various risk factors responsible for oral infections. ?The events included ?a ‘Quiz contest’ and an ‘E-pamphlet designing competition’ for the post-graduates and interns. Our faculty , ?Dr. Shivaprasad and Dr. Srilaxmi delivered a talk for the Dental surgery assistants regarding the importance of oral health maintenance and its association with systemic health. An informative, interactive session on oral hygiene practices, the impact of diet on oral health, and ways of prevention of common dental issues/diseases such as cavities and gum disease was delivered for the new batch of students of the 39th Course BHM and 14th Course B.Sc. Culinary Science by Dr Shivaprasad. Free screening and ?scaling was provided for all the patients visiting the department ?and ?around 89 patients benefited from the same.

On August 1st, 2024, at 10 A.M, the Department of Periodontology organized a floral tribute to DR.G.B. SHANKWALKER and prizes were given to all the winners by our Dean, Dr Monica Charlotte Solomon.