Toxicovigilance is the active process of identifying and evaluating the toxic effect of extensive range of chemicals and drugs in a community and evaluating the measures taken to reduce or eliminate them. It should be viewed as a useful complement to prevent poisoning and adverse event associated with chemicals and drugs. This work will be done through epidemiological surveillance which helps in the identification of incidences of poisoning and adverse event of drugs in public health which helps to implement control measures in a timely manner. Toxicovigilance and drug safety centers have a number of industrial and community oriented applications. Industrial applications mainly include pharmacovigilance, development of safety reports and risk assessment, whereas community oriented project includes educating the society regarding pesticide and drug safety.? Presently there is huge demand for life science students towards such areas. The concept of establishment of such center helps to bring the community and industry under the same platform. Establishment of such center in the 必威体育betway888 Academy of Higher Education will help in establishment of new course focusing both on the community and industrial application
- Development of course material which meet industrial and community need
- Establishment of center which help in identification, potential hazards of pesticides, chemicals and drugs in the community and its prevention
- Providing the information regarding the management of acute poisoning (drugs/ chemicals) through poison information center.
- Development of poison ?database and identification of? strategies to prevent? the acute and chronic poisoning
- Conducting continuing educational programs, conferences and internship programs for health care professionals and students with respect industrial and community needs.
Proposed Activities
- Proposed Activities
- Pharmacovigilance & medical writing
- Development of Safety Reports & Risk assessment
- Development of Health technology tools (Apps, Software, Diagnostic tools, patient registry)
- Drug information & poison information
- Societal?? education and awareness on: Drug safety, ? ? ? ? ? Disease management, Patient education, Pesticide safety, ? ? ? ? ? Health screening camps
Industry collaborations
- Nerve 24
- Muscle Info-tech
- Megna -Health Care Ltd