With the introduction of recombinant insulin in 1982 began the era of biotechnological products. Globally, the biological products are gradually conquering the Pharmaceutical market with a consistent growth of 9.22% per annum. In India, the Biotechnology industry is looking up and growing by leaps and bounds with proactive government policies. There is a great demand for trained quality manpower in this sector. Graduates, with pharmacy background and knowledge of Microbiology, Biochemistry and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology are aptly suited for making a fruitful career in this field.
Department of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, MCOPS is an 18-year-old reputed department with over 150+ 必威体育betway888 spread across the world, offers a two-year postgraduate program (MPharm) in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology. The department has well-equipped laboratory facilities in animal cell cultures, molecular biology, and bioprocess technology. The dedicated faculty pool comprises a good blend of experienced and young teachers.
- Well qualified dedicated faculties with PhD
- Well-equipped laboratory with modern equipment and AC class room facility
- Growing library stock with consistent updated resources
- Placement assistance
- Biological safety Class II laboratories
- State of art central animal house facility
Career Prospects
- Scientist / 必威体育betway888 Associate in various biological R&D laboratories
- Upstream and downstream process in biological manufacturing
- 必威体育betway888 scientist at Pharmacovigilance departments and biological formulation development
- Quality control and quality assurance or drug safety specialist
- Patent specialist/executive in regulatory affairs
- Scientific or medical writing
- Higher studies; Doctoral degree and Academia.
Current Areas of 必威体育betway888
- Peptide/Nucleotide therapeutics.
- Development of biological drug delivery systems
- Antimicrobial resistance
- Bioprocess engineering and technology
- Drug discovery and development
- Gene expression and regulation studies
The department undertakes following studies on consultancy basis.
- Antimicrobial and antioxidant studies
- Animal cell culture-based cytotoxicity studies, anticancer, antiviral and antidiabetic activities
- Sterility tests, antimicrobial assays, microbial limit tests of drug formulations
- PCR & RT-PCR, gene and protein expression, Western blot studies.
- Training for students and academicians from MAHE and Non-MAHE institutions in the latest microbial screening, bioprocessing, animal cell culturing and molecular biology techniques.
- CSIR- Central Drug 必威体育betway888 Institute (CDRI), Lucknow
- Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati
- University of Missouri, Columbia, USA
- Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB), Trivandrum
- Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru
- Indian Institute of Science Education and 必威体育betway888 Mohali (IISERM)
The Department of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology offers postgraduate program, MPharm Pharmaceutical Biotechnology. The curriculum of MPharm Pharmaceutical Biotechnology is designed for a period of two years, providing theoretical and practical exposure to the core and fundamental subjects during the first year and research (project) work during the second year.
MPharm Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
MPharm Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Program Outcomes (POs)
MPharm Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Course Outcomes (COs)
Click to view?Regulations for MPharm Pharmaceutical Biotechnology?Programme
Key features
As envisaged in the introduction above, the department of Pharmaceutical biotechnology strives hard to train the students in niche areas of the Biopharmaceutical industry and make them competent to take up jobs in biotech companies in drug discovery, production of the biopharmaceuticals and microbial quality control labs.
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Labs & Facilities
Department of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology has best-in-class facilities for students of all constituent institutes
Well equipped Cell Biology, Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Bioprocess Laboratories with most modern sophisticated equipment.
The labs are equipped with facilities to carry out research work involving cell culture, nucleic acid technologies, protein separation and purification etc.
必威体育betway888 & Publications
While India is the leading player in pharmaceuticals especially generic based products, over the last decade the focus has shifted towards biotechnology-based products, especially biosimilars. The Biotech sector has grown up to three times in the last five years. Currently, this sector is growing at an average rate of about 20 percent. India's biotech industry consists of biopharmaceuticals, bioservices, bioagriculture, bioindustry, and bioinformatics. For over a decade, since its inception in 2005, The Department of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (DPBT) has been involved in multidisciplinary research. DPBT carries out research projects and trains students in the field of biotechnology to meet the challenges in the areas of microbial technology, fermentation technology, molecular biotechnology, cancer biology, immunology, bioinformatics, drug discovery and development. During the journey of 18 years of the research quest, DPBT published 220 research papers in national and international journals with cumulative impact factor of 69.191 and average impact factor of 2.56 and presented 200 papers in national as well as international conferences held in countries like USA, UK, UAE, Germany, Belgium, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Nepal, Srilanka, and the Netherlands. The department has received 18 research projects. 必威体育betway888 team of DPBT has received 12 best paper awards from conference presentations. Our team has also received 15 travel grants from different funding agencies for conference presentations in India and abroad. The department is successful in receiving funding from various agencies such as DBT, DST, ICMR and schemes such as VGST-SPiCE, DST-WOS-A, AICTE-RPS, AICTE-NCP, AICTE-MODROBS, ICMR and DST-FIST.

"The Department of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, MCOPS, with its distinguished faculty and best-in-class research facilities, has helped me strengthen my understanding of core theoretical concepts and expand my laboratory skillsets, shaping up a deep sense of zeal towards research in therapeutics."
Akshit Jain
(M. Pharm 2018-2020) Biocon, Bangalore

“I am incredibly grateful for my stay at MCOPS, for it laid my foundation as an independent research investigator. What fascinated me most about the program was its seamless structure and execution. Great combination of didactic coursework backed with a myriad of practicums and a very supportive faculty helped me prepare myself for a successful research career abroad. More importantly my peers were a big support system who taught me teamwork and helped me navigate through difficult times. It always felt like home away from home”.
Dr Priyanka Garg
(M. Pharm 2006-2008) Stanford University, School of Medicine, USA

When I reflect on my two years in the Department of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, MCOPS; I conclude that the experience not only inculcated research skills in me, but also prepared me in unpredictable ways for my career. It was a wonderful time in my life, and the best educational experience I’ve had.
Dr Rajesh Y
(MPharm 2010-2012) Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

“Department of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, MCOPS, MAHE is the right choice for those who wants to pursue M Pharm in Biotechnology. Pursuing my M Pharm in this department along with divine guidance of my teachers has led me to make honest career choice. M Pharm in Biotechnology is definitely an outgrowing research field with broader opportunities. I feel wonderful and blessed to be a student of this department”.
Reona Fernandes
(M. Pharm 2018-2020) Indegene Pvt Ltd. Bangalore