
Start: 01-09-2018 ¨C End: 30-04-2022
±ØÍþÌåÓýbetway888 Centre for European Studies (MCES) was established in December 2009 with a call for proposals from the Delegation of European Union to India to establish Centre for European Studies in India and Contemporary India Study Centres in Europe. It became a part of the India-EU Study Centres Program (IESCP) in the very year of establishment. Soon it became a member of the consortium Interdisciplinary Bridges in Indo-European Studies (IBIES) led by Aarhus University. This initiated the process of MCES getting Erasmus Mundus grants, partnering with several European universities, and developing interesting programs.
MCES is the only institute in India that offers a master program in European Studies. In last four years, it has been successful in sending its students for a part of the study program in Europe with grants including Erasmus+ Credit mobility programs. Head of the Department was also successful in getting a Jean Monnet module in Cultural Analysis and European Identity in 2014 and was awarded with a Jean Monnet Chair in 2017. The centre has also effectively completed a Jean Monnet Project in ±ØÍþÌåÓýbetway888ization of Higher Education and Bologna Process funded in 2015. An Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) project was awarded in 2016 to MAHE as the first in the country in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), a bilingual model for school education.
As a natural progression of these activities, a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in India-EU Interdisciplinary Studies ¨C Culture, Literature, Education and Society (CLES) was proposed in the open call of the Eramus+ Programme- Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence. With the support and funding of the European Union, MCES was awarded this recognition in 2018.
The Centre¡¯s objective has been to be a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary platform for European Studies thus going beyond the traditional area studies departments¡¯ mandates. Basic belief in focusing on interdisciplinarity was that people-to-people contact makes significant difference in the relation between the two regions than political or diplomatic relations alone. The Centre aims to enhance educational connect between India and Europe by generating interest and creating awareness about European people, literature, culture, and society among Indians and stimulate similar response from the Europeans towards Indian culture and philosophy.
?Provide a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary platform for India-EU ? ?studies
?Increase awareness about European culture and literature in India
?Share best practices in education at all levels between the two regions
?Develop expertise in European Studies in India and India Studies in Europe
?Involve academia, policy makers, civil society and, schools and universities ? ?leadership to discuss matters of mutual interest to India
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Funded by- European Union under the Erasmus + Programme
Action- Jean Monnet Activities (EAC/A05/20017)
Project number- 599644-EPP-1-2018-1-IN-EPPJMO-CoE