General Rules & Regulation
Participation, following the rules of competitions and sportsmanship are more important than winning. Institutional interest should be above personal interest. Grace in loss and humility in victory should be the attitude. We must remember that whoever wins ultimately it’s the victory of 必威体育betway888 Academy of Higher Education.
1. If participants do not follow the rules, especially regarding punctuality and vulgarity, and / or misbehave either with the organizers / support staff (including those of external
agencies) and / or advertise, directly or indirectly, for any company (by wearing costumes or any accessories bearing the name of the company or its brand) they will not only be
disqualified for the event but also will be banned from RUBARU AND UTSAV forever.
2. To avoid disputes regarding time, time will be kept by authorized personnel and displayed prominently.
3. Orchestra will NOT be provided or allowed, so also self-guitar or any other instrumental support for Non classical vocal singing (East/West, Solo/Group).
Participants may sing with or without Karaoke.
4. Only bonafide full time students of 必威体育betway888 Academy of Higher Education / its sister Institutions that are enrolled for a degree or postgraduate degree /
diploma or any course of minimum 6 months duration will be eligible to participate in the intercollegiate cultural competitions.
5. All participants must possess the I.D. Cards along with them, all the time.
6. There is NO Spot registration for any event.
7. All participants should report 45 mins earlier for assignment of the team/participant id which will be used for all communication – masking the id of the representing institution.
They should be ready half an hour before the start of an event and to perform else they will be given walkover and won’t be allowed to participate at a later slot. If a participant is
given walkover the next participant should be ready to perform immediately, else will face walkover.
8. Staff coordinators should submit audio files of items in MP3 format ONLY, one day prior to the event and latest by 3 pm.
9. The organizers are not responsible for the participant’s inability to participate in an event if its schedule clashes with another event (it is advised to give
chance to wider cross section of students instead of repeating same students)
10. The event will be cancelled if there are less than 3 entries
11. For every event there will be 3 top positions and they carry following points: Solo events Group events
1st Position 10 points 14 points
2nd Position 8 points 10 points
3rd Position 6 points 8 points
12. Top 3 colleges will receive Champions Rolling Trophies (Winners, 1st Runner Up and 2nd Runner Up) based on total points scored.
13. When positions are shared points will not be shared. Decision of the judges will be final and binding. However in the event of any genuine dispute or objection ONLY staff
coordinator of the college may submit a memorandum in writing to the Organizing committee within an hour of announcing the results. The matter shall be reviewed by the Panel
of Referees and if found genuine the position may be reviewed and changed. But if the objection is deemed incorrect the objecting team would lose the given position and the next
team will be considered for their position.
14. MAHE organizing committee is not responsible for any loss of valuables and belongings of participants.
15. MAHE organizing committee will provide basic infra-structure (stage, light, sound) only. All other requirements should be arranged by their respective colleges
16. Participants are requested to strictly adhere to the rules by letter and spirit, Staff coordinators are requested to ensure the same. They are advised to screen all performances
before registering. This is to ensure level playing field and avoid disputes and controversies.
17. The Faculty Cultural Coordinator should take the responsibility of violation of rules and its consequences. In any case MAHE organizing committee can’t be held responsible for
violation of rules by participants.
18. Participants shall not reveal their own or their college identity in any manner. They shall also not air their religious, national, political, personal views or touch on sensitive
issues. Vulgarity/ obscenity in concept, dress, talk and action are strictly prohibited. The individual / team may be asked to stop the item during the show and / or disqualified even
after winning the prize if found violating the rules.
19. All are requested to accept victory with humility and loss with grace and sportive spirit. Expression of joy and sorrow in unruly/violent manner shall disqualify the college from
winning the trophy. The faculty coordinators are requested to control the students and not indulge in instigating the students themselves
20. Accidental fall of objects on stage will not be penalized. However whether it is intentional, the call will be taken by the judges & appropriately penalized
21. For events involving narrators, recorded narration can be used in which case maximum number of participants will be the upper limit mentioned
22. In keeping with the objective of timely conduct of events, a system of negative marking will be followed for all the events where applicable: Minus 5 for time exceeded in the
range 0 – 15 seconds, minus 10 for time exceeded in the range of 15 – 30 seconds, minus 15 for time exceeded in the range 30 – 45
seconds, and in such progression