Dr. Nabendu Paul
Assistant Professor
Dr. Nabendu Paul is a faculty at T A Pai Management Institute (TAPMI), MAHE, Bengaluru in the area of Accounting, Economics & Finance. Prior to this assignment, he worked as an Assistant Professor in Finance, Accounting and Control at IIM Amritsar. He has completed his PhD from IIM Bangalore and his research interest primarily lies in Corporate Finance, Policy 必威体育betway888, Banking, Corporate Governance and Econometrics. Specifically, his doctoral work involves how financially constrained and unconstrained firms are different from each other in terms of their financing behavior. He received the Best Paper awards during 2017, 2018 and 2019 at the Doctoral Colloquium the Management Department of IISc (COSMAR) held at IISc Bangalore & VGSOM, IIT Kharagpur. Dr. Nabendu Paul is a B.Tech (Electrical Engineering) from the NIT Kurukshetra, an MBA (Gold Medalist) from the NIT Calicut and a PGDMM (Gold Medalist) from the Indian Institute of Materials Management Mumbai. He worked as an Engineer and Deputy Manager in the materials management department of the Engine Division at Hindustan Aeronautics Limited Bangalore for five years and worked as Manager Purchase in UHP Technologies Private Limited (a Project Management Company in the semiconductor space) after his MBA for nearly two years before pursuing his PhD.
Qualification: Ph.D.
Assistant Professor in the Area of Accounting, Economics & Finance.
Co-Chair of the Automation Charter at TAPMI, MAHE, Bengaluru.
Date of Joining TAPMI: 23rd Dec 2024
Area of Interest
Corporate Finance, Policy 必威体育betway888, Climate Finance, Banking, Corporate Governance and Econometrics.
Area of Expertise
Corporate Finance, Policy 必威体育betway888, Climate Finance, Banking, Corporate Governance and Econometrics
Area of 必威体育betway888
Corporate Finance, Policy 必威体育betway888, Climate Finance, Banking, Corporate Governance and Econometrics
Professional Affiliations & Contributions
Member, American Finance Association (University of Utah, US)
Life Member, Indian Finance Association (Bangalore, India)
Life Member, Indian Institute of Materials Management (Bangalore, India)
Life Member, Analytics Society of India (Bangalore, India)
Life Member, The Indian Econometric Society (New Delhi, India)
(1)?? Gupta, P., Paul, N., & Antony, A. (2024). Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code: Policy Implications on Asset Quality, Bank Stability and Bank Performance.?The Journal of Developing Areas,?58(3), 135-152.
(2) Book Review for the book “G.N. Bajpai, The Essential Book of Corporate Governance, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 2017, 335 pp., INR 595” published in IIMB Management Review (2017) 29, 326–327.
(3) Book Review for the book “I do What I Do, Raghuram G Rajan, 2018, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers, Noida, India, 342 pp, ? 599” published in the Indian Economic Journal (2020), 68(4). 691- 704.
(4) Book Review for the book “Urjit Patel, Overdraft: Saving the Indian Saver, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers, Noida, India, 195 pp., INR 599” published in the Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers (2021), 45(4), 253-256.
(5) Book Review for the book “K.K.Tripathy and Anshu Singh, Rural Finance and Financial Inclusion, Notion Press Publications, 2022, pp. 327.” Published in in IIMS Journal of Management Science, 14(2), 248-251.
(6)Book Review for the book “Harish Mehta, The Maverick Effect: The Inside Story of India’s IT Revolution, HarperCollins Publishers, 2022. ISBN: 978-93-5489-529-6 (Paper Back).” published in Paradigm: A Management 必威体育betway888 Journal, 1-4.? ?
(7) Book Review for the book “Tamal Bandyopadhyay. Roller Coaster: An Affair with Banking, Jaico Publishing House, 2023, pp. 314” published in IIM Ranchi Journal of Management Studies (2024), 3(2), 177-180.
(8)?? Book Review for the book “India UnInc, Westland Publications, 2014, 372 pp.,??371, ISBN: 9789383260560” published in the Journal of Contemporary Business 必威体育betway888, 1-4.??
(9) Book Review for the book “Shift: Opportunities for a Net Zero World, Westland Publications, 2023, 292 pp.,??479, ISBN: 9789357761895 (Paper Back)” published in the IIMT Journal of Management, 1(1), 121-124.
(10) Book Review for the book “The Third Pillar” by Prof. Raghuram Rajan (Accepted and forthcoming in IIM Ranchi Journal of Management Studies).
(11) Book Review for the book “Microfinance Management” By Prof. Pradeep Kumar Mishra. accepted in NUJBMS (Journal of Nirma University).
(12)? "A Book review on Unfinished Business: Evolving Capitalism in the World’s Largest Democracy" at Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers (Accepted).
( https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=4-3N7i0AAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao)
Conferences and Workshops:
(1)? Participated and presented the paper titled “Did the Competition Act achieve its objective?” at the 9th National Conference of Economics of Competition Law conducted by the Competition Commission of India at India Habit Centre, New Delhi on March 5, 2024.?
(2) Participated and presented the papers titled “Did the Competition Act achieve its objective?” and “A Study on India Unincorporate” at the ICMM 2023 Conference at IIM Amritsar during January 20-22, 2022.
(3) Participated and my doctoral student Ms. Varsha Singh presented a paper titled “ESG and Firm Innovation: A World View” at the 2022 Asian Society for Innovation and Policy (ASIP) Bangalore Conference at IISc Bangalore during November 24-26, 2022. This paper got the Best Paper Award in the conference.
(4)Participated online and my doctoral student Ms. Varsha Singh presented a paper titled “ESG and Firm Innovation: A World View” at the 必威体育betway888 Conference of Recent Advances in Business Sustainability (ICRABS) at NIT Silchar during November 25-26, 2022. This paper got the Best Paper Award in the conference.
(5)?? Participated online and presented a paper titled “Financing Frictions and Demand for External Finance” at the 4th 必威体育betway888 Conference on Financial Markets and Corporate Finance held at SJMSOM IIT Bombay during July 7-9, 2022.
(6)Participated online and presented a paper titled “Financing Frictions and Demand for External Finance-A world view” at the Seventh (2022) Cross Country Perspectives in Finance organized by Prof. Jonathan A Batten, Prof. Zhenyu Wu & Prof. Gady Jacoby at Cyprus during June 23-25, 2022.
(7) Participated and presented a paper titled “Financing Constraints, Creditor Rights and Corporate Borrowing: An Analysis through the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code” at the 必威体育betway888 必威体育betway888 Conference on Insolvency and Bankruptcy (organized by IIMA and IBBI) held at Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad during April 30-May 1, 2022. The paper is co-authored with Prof. Jayadev M.
(8)Participated and presented a paper (online) titled “Institutional Factors and Demand for Debt Finance: A Cross-Country Analysis” in the international conference titled “The 2022 Cross Country Perspectives in Finance (CCPF) - Sustainable Finance Special Theme Conference” organized by Prof. Zhenyu Wu & Prof. Gady Jacoby (University of Manitoba, Canada) on March 18-19, 2022. The paper is co-authored with Prof. Jayadev M.
(9) Participated and presented a paper (online) titled “Competition and Innovation: A Panel VAR approach.? in the National Conference on Economics and Competition Law organized by the Competition Commission of India on March 4, 2022. The paper is co-authored with Dr. Akash Krishnan.
(10) Participated and presented a paper titled “Financing Frictions and Demand for External Finance” at the ICEF-II Conference at NMIMS Bengaluru during Dec 13-14, 2019.
(11)Participated and presented a paper titled “Institutional Factors and Demand for External Finance: A Multi Country Study” in COSMAR 2019(The Consortium of Students in Management 必威体育betway888) held at Indian Institute of Science Bangalore during Nov 28 & 29, 2019. Awarded the Best Paper Award?(Third Prize jointly Awarded) on 29th Nov 2019 at the COSMAR 2019 at IISc, Bangalore with a cash prize of Rs 5000/-
(12) Participated and presented a paper titled “What determines the style of debt taking of Indian firms? An econometric analysis” (Alternative Title: What determines choice of Debt of Indian firms) in MDC & VRS 2018 (Management Doctoral Colloquium and VGSOM 必威体育betway888 Scholars’ Day) held at Vinod Gupta School of Management, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur during Mar 14-15, 2018. Got the best paper award with a cash prize of Rs 2000/-. The paper is co-authored with Velavan S & Prof. Jayadev M.
(13) Participated and presented the paper titled “Determinants of Ownership Concentration: Evidence from the cross-sectional sample of Indian firms” at ISDSI 必威体育betway888 Conference held at IIM Tiruchirappalli during Dec 27-30, 2017.
(14)Participated and presented a paper titled “Determinants of Internal Control Deficiency: Evidence from the cross-sectional sample of Indian firms” in Indian Finance Conference, held at IIM Bangalore during Dec 20-22, 2017. The paper was co-authored with Dr. Padmini Srinivasan, Chairperson, F&A Area, IIMB.
(15) Participated and presented a paper titled “Determinants of Ownership Concentration: Evidence from the cross-sectional sample of Indian firms”?in COSMAR (The Consortium of Students in Management 必威体育betway888) held at Indian Institute of Science Bangalore during Nov 20 & 21, 2017. Got the best paper award with a cash prize of INR 5000/-.
Awards :
1)Serves on the School Advisory Board (SAB) for the School of Management Studies at NIT Calicut from 28th July 2022.
2)Serves on the KAPILA Committee at NIT Kurukshetra from 2023
3)Awarded the Best Paper Award?on 1st Dec 2022 at the ASIP 2022 Conference at IISc, Bangalore.
4)Awarded the Best Paper Award on 26th Nov 2022 at the ICRABS Conference at NIT Silchar.
5)Awarded the Best Paper Award?(Third Prize jointly Awarded) on 29th Nov 2019 at the COSMAR 2019 at IISc, Bangalore with a cash prize of Rs 5000/-.
6)Awarded the Best Paper Award?on 15th?Mar 2018 at the MDC & VRS 2018 at VGSOMS, IIT Kharagpur with a cash prize of Rs 2000/-.
7)Awarded the Best Paper Award?on 21st?Nov 2017 at the COSMAR 2017 at IISc, Bangalore with a cash prize of Rs 5000/-.
8)Awarded the Gold Medal Award?on 10th?Jan 2015 for securing the first rank in MBA Programme from National Institute of Technology, Calicut.
9)Awarded Quality Champion Award by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Engine Division, Bangalore during the year 2011-12.
10)Awarded the Gold Medal Award?on 26th Dec 2013 for securing the first rank in Post Graduate Diploma in Materials Management from Indian Institute of Materials Management, Bangalore.