Course Structure - B.A. Double Major

?Semester I
# ?Course Name? ?Credits
1 Principles of Microeconomics - I 03
2 Introduction to Politics 03
3 Principles of Sociology 03
4 Introduction to History:
What we read, how we read and why it matters
5 English for Communication - I 03
6 Media and Information Literacy
7 Indian Constitution 02


?Semester II
# Course Name Credits
? Sociology Political Science Economics History ?
1 Theoretical Framework of Sociology - I Political Theory Principles of Macroeconomics Key debates in Ancient Indian History 03
2 Social Stratification Major Political Ideologies Basic Mathematics for Economics - I Historiography - I 03
3 English for Communication - II 03
4 Additional Language Course I -?German/French/Spanish/Sanskrit 03
5 Environmental Humanities 02


?Semester III
# Course Name Credits
? Sociology Political Science Economics History ?
1 Theoretical Framework of Sociology - II Introduction to IR Principles of Microeconomics - II Key debates in Medieval Indian History 03
2 Social Inequalities Global Power Politics Basic Mathematics for Economics - II Historiography - II 03
3 Open Elective 03
4 Additional Language Course II -?German/French/Spanish/Sanskrit 03
5 Photography/Academic Writing 02


?Semester IV
# Course Name Credits
? Sociology Political Science Economics History ?
1 Social Anthropology State and Terrorism Economic Growth and Development Modern Indian History: Politics 03
2 Social Psychology Indian Government and Politics Statistical Methods Modern Indian History: Economy and Culture 03
3 Open Elective 03
4 Academic Writing/必威体育betway888 Skills 03
5 Internship* 02

*Internship is for a period of four weeks to be completed after the 4th end-semester examination and before the start of the 5th semester.


?Semester V
# Course Name Credits
? Sociology Political Science Economics History ?
1 Tribal Society Introduction to Public Policy Basic Econometrics Key themes in Modern European History 03
2 Social of Diaspora Public Administration 必威体育betway888 Economics Colonialism in 必威体育betway888 Asia and Africa 03
3 ?Elective - Visual Sociology/Mass Media and Society/Linguistics Elective -?Gender Politics/Politics of? Caste and Religion Elective -?Agricultural Economics/Environmental Economics Elective -?History of state formation and development in 必威体育betway888 Asia/Histories of Caste, Gender &?Religion in 必威体育betway888 Asia 04
4 Vocational Course I 03?


?Semester VI
# Course Name Credits
? Sociology Political Science Economics History ?
1 Elective -?Comparative Sociology/ Developmental Issues and Problems/Industrial Sociology Elective -?U.S. Politics/U.K. Politics Elective - Financial Economics/Behavioural Economics Elective -?Writing regional histories/Environmental Histories 04
2 Vocational Course II 03?
3 Capstone Project* 06
4 必威体育betway888 Methodology**

* Only for those exiting with Degree after 6th Semester.
** Only for students who have opted for Honours.


Semester VII
# Course Name Credits
? Sociology Political Science Economics History ?
1 Sociology of Demographics? Democracy: Issues and Controversies Advanced Econometrics Reading and constituting archives 03
2 Medical Sociology 必威体育betway888 Security Public Economics Philosophy of history 03
3 Gender and Society Political Party Systems Money and Banking Twentieth Century History of the World:
World Wars, 必威体育betway888 Institutions and Globalisation


Semester VIII
# Course Name Credits
? Sociology Political Science Economics History ?
1 Religion and Sociology/Kinship and Society Electoral Strategy and Campaigns Health Economics/Labour Economics Global history of Capitalism and Democracy 03
2 Dissertation & Viva-Voce* 16
3 Capstone Project**

* 必威体育betway888 Track only
** Academic Track