Meghana Mangalvedhe

Spanish Language Instructor

Department Of Languages


    Ms Meghana Mangalvedhe engages in Spanish language teaching, student mentoring, counselling, event curation, and translation and interpretation. She specializes in creative writing and theatre to teach aspects related to Europe-India, languages and intercultural communication.


Subject Semester / Year
Language and Society: Everyday Living - SPANISH Monsoon semester I
Language and Society: Self and the World - SPANISH Summer semester II
Language and Society: Travel and Exchange - SPANISH Monsoon semester III
Spanish Levels I - VI (A1 to B2-C1) All semesters I to VI


Degree Specialisation Institute Year of passing
M.A. European Studies Culture and Society 必威体育betway888 Centre for European Studies, MAHE 2019
B.A (Hons.) Spanish Language and Culture The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad 2017


Institution / Organisation Designation Role Tenure
Facultad de Humanidades, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Albacete Máster de Investigación- Humanidades, Cultura y Sociedad Masters in 必威体育betway888-Humanities, Culture and Society Erasmus+ scholar 1 year


Area of Interest

Area studies: Hispanic Studies, European Studies; Sociocultural Anthropology,

Area of Expertise

Humanities, Society & Culture, Cultural Diplomacy

Area of 必威体育betway888

Language, Culture, Society- Cultural Representation & Perception, Language Pedagogy, Translation Studies

Certificate courses

Certificate courses in Spanish for all public and MAHE staff and students since 2017.

Open electives

Courses on 'Introduction to a Foreign Language - Spanish' offered as Open Elective to students of diverse MAHE institutions.

Courses within the BA (Hons.) European Languages and Intercultural Studies program - (BA ELIS)

Teaching core and compulsory modules on language studies, Spanish specialisation across all semesters, from beginner to advanced levels. Examples include 'Language and society: everyday living (Spanish)', 'Self and the world' and 'Travel and exchange'. Contribution towards development of pedagogical resources in Spanish for courses on culture and foreign policy, comparative cultural representation, and translation studies

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European Language - Spanish (Levels I & II) - A1, A2 (Sem. 1, 2) within M.A. European Studies

Department of Commerce - Spanish for specific purposes

Spanish for Business with undergraduate programs - BBA, B.Com Professional

WGSHA - Spanish for specific purposes

Spanish for Hospitality within the B.A. Culinary Arts program, semester 2

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Introduction to European Languages and Cultures - Spanish component, within the IPM program